Now it´s official, with maximum championships points my 9th title is now secured! this weeks comp was i though one with terrible weather and quite hard, long sections. But i rode quite good throughout the day even tho i came up just 1-2 seconds short in a few sections and earned me some 5s instead of cleans. But with over 20 points ahead of the rest i´m happy with my riding.
- I just posted Round 3 of the Swedish Championships, read it here: 04:25:34 PM June 09, 2013 from HL Twittter ReplyRetweetFavorite
- Ordningen återställd! Överst på pallen, endast ett misstag, god segermarginal och bra känsla i… 04:01:07 PM June 09, 2013 from Instagram ReplyRetweetFavorite
- RT @racerxonline: Barcia in the lead and looking good. Dungey stew and Alessi and strijbos and mookie 07:15:11 PM June 01, 2013 from Twitter for iPhone ReplyRetweetFavorite
- I just posted Not the best of starts…, read it here: 06:12:42 PM May 19, 2013 from HL Twittter ReplyRetweetFavorite
- I just posted Gaining muscles is not always a good thing…., read it here: 04:26:48 PM April 23, 2013 from HL Twittter ReplyRetweetFavorite